Design In Education, parallel made with designing information

See on Scoop.itThings I grab here and there

The New York Times Sunday Styles Weddings / Celebrations page is a brilliant space. It is a coveted, scrutinized, august section that thrives in its own artificiality. The genius of the page’s construct lies in its fabrication. It is always the same, week to week. Its readers expect and delight in its self-imposed consistency.

The NYTimes makes these standards clear, outlining on its “How To Submit A Wedding Announcement” page that, “couples posing for pictures should arrange themselves with their eyebrows on the same level and with their heads fairly close together.”

The design of space and information is integral to learning. The consistency of format at once helps students feel comfortable in familiar environments, but it can also lead to staleness and conservatism. In The New York Times and in the classroom, the medium reinforces the message.

It’s important to ask if some educators still  recycle […] in-class worksheets, matching columns, PE drills, current event reports, and other time-honored but questionably relevant practices? Do some teachers create their own jargon and customs?…

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